Stickeryou Support

If the color of my stickers are different than what I ordered what can I do?

January 10, 2024

If the color of my stickers are different than what I ordered what can I do? Here's a quick guide with our best practices!

If I don't like my order, can it be returned?

December 08, 2022

As part of our satisfaction guarantee, we will process refunds for orders which do not meet your expectations.

How do I place a re-order?

November 29, 2021

In this short video, see how to place a reorder from your account in a few easy steps, using your web browser or mobile device.

Does StickerYou offer samples?

May 04, 2015

You can get some samples of our products by filling out a sample request form

How do I order stickers and other products?

November 13, 2014

You have finished your design and want to order. Find out how.

Why does my coupon code only cover part of my order?

November 13, 2014

For a variety of reasons, a coupon you have may only cover part of your order when you expect you order to be $0.00.

I got my order and it's soaked!

November 13, 2014

Good news! Our stickers and labels are 100% waterproof and will work even when wet.