StickerYou Blog
Top Examples of Guerrilla Sticker Campaigns
October 03, 2017
At StickerYou we love making what matters stick! We often see people ordering stickers with very meaningful messages, stickers for marketing, and we also see stickers that we know will be used in a
Here are some of the best examples of guerilla stickering we have seen:
1. Andre the Giant Has a Posse - Shepard Fairey
Probably the most well
“When I started to see reactions and consider the sociological forces at work surrounding the use of public space and the insertion of a very eye-catching but ambiguous image, I began to think there was the potential to create a phenomenon.”
It doesn’t take a lot to get your message seen, but it does take some planning and good design, and of course a Custom Sticker.
2. Garbage Can Basketball
Though this could have been done using paint, using a Street Decal would allow for easier cleanup; which besides the marketing is really the bottom line of the artist’s message here. By making it fun to throw away your garbage they have created a message that will stick in the public’s mind.
3. Coffee Sewers
Folgers decided to take advantage of the iconic and constantly steamy sewers. By strategically placing a Street Decal over the sewer they were able to create an image that made people look twice. They also called out the connection to the city that never sleeps and coffee; this is a great example of a well-executed marketing campaign.
4. Street Sign Alterations
This style of sticker bombing probably has the most has hilarious results. There are so many to choose from, but the classic “person stealing the do not enter bar” is just too good. We would never recommend altering a street sign if it was going to cause any confusion or harm, and that is why this particular sign is so great.
5. Stein Handles
Another great example of marketing genius is how Tyskie used Window Decals to turn door handles into beer steins. This is similar to the Coffee Sewers above, it makes people stop and look because their reality is altered. When you shock someone into noticing your brand you are more likely to come to their mind when they are shopping.
These are only a small sample of the amazing ideas that are out there. There are so many companies and people doing great things with stickers. If you have some great ideas we would love to see them, tag us in your social media posts
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StickerYou blog posts are written and published by members of the StickerYou team at our headquarters, located in the beautiful city of Toronto, Canada.
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