StickerYou Blog

Keep it Classy: A Back to School Guide

August 04, 2020
Keep it Classy: A Back to School Guide

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As students begin to head back to school, keeping our children and teachers safe is everyone’s top priority. We’re committed to doing our part by providing you with the creative ideas and products you need to build a healthy and thriving classroom for all.

Below are some classy ideas that you can bring to life in your school, to help you navigate the new reality safely.

Ride the bus at a safe social distance

School busses are essential to ensure that students can get to and from school safely - but in today’s world, this can present new challenges. When transporting students, ensure you’re practicing safe distancing with decals. Close off certain sections and seats on the bus, allowing riders to be safely distanced and at ease.

Ride the bus at a safe social distance

Drop off and pickup without a hiccup

Having a sea of buses arriving and dropping off students can be anxiety inducing for everyone, especially when trying to maintain space between your peers. Designating the locations for pick-ups and drop offs establishes an organized method for smooth transportation, without the concern of invading others’ space.

Whether you’re taking a school bus, public transit, or cars, small actions like this can stop the spread and limit exposure across the board!

Drop off and pickup without a hiccup

Check up before you check in

Is your school enforcing temperature checks prior to entering? If so, you may have realized it’s hard to make everybody aware and cooperative. Set up temperature check stations using window signage to remind students, and have a staff member ready to check those temps, especially if they’re experiencing symptoms.

Check up before you check in

Keep students in line

Wash ‘yer hands - it’s crucial! Especially for those entering and exiting your school or surrounding buildings, hand hygiene should be accessible to everyone. If you haven’t already, set up some hand-washing stations at entrances and exits, and make these areas well-known with some decals.

Keep students in line

Make the most of mat time

Let’s face it - kids aren’t exactly the easiest to contain when it comes to social distancing and COVID19 precautions. Help them understand by making it fun! Place some circles or squares on your floor or carpet, showing your students where to sit, stand, or place their mats.

If you’d like, you can even make it more exciting and personable by customizing each decal with a cartoon character or food, and allow them to choose one that they like. This helps them understand the importance of distancing in a way that they enjoy, and keeps those around you as safe as possible.

Make the most of mat time

Use iron-ons to show school spirit from behind the mask

Interacting with face masks on can be tough - add some customized elements to make it that much more tolerable and personable! Using our iron-ons, it’s easy to create simple designs like your school logo, mascot, or student names to iron onto facemasks. Using our Page Maker, you can even create customized pages of various designs!

Use iron-ons to show school spirit from behind the mask

Label student belongings to minimize mix-ups

Students bring many of their own belongings into classrooms. Now, more than ever, it’s important to minimize exchanging and sharing of belongings, to limit the spread of germs and exposure. Encourage your students to label their belongings so they can easily tell which is theirs. This can range from water bottles and lunch boxes, to school supplies and books!

Label student belongings to minimize mix-ups

Stay safe while socializing

Lunch breaks and navigating the cafeteria can be tricky, especially considering the amount of students. Consider closing off some sections of tables using decals, to allow students to sit more spaced apart. This will allow for easier social distancing, and will prevent your staff members from having to constantly intervene to ensure safety.

Stay safe while socializing

Eliminate the hassle of lining up

Line ‘er up! Floor decals are an essential tactic for stopping the spread. In all areas that form lines (ie. book stores, classrooms, recess lines, etc.), leverage directional floor decals. This informs people where they should be standing, and allows for more uniformed, organized interactions.

Eliminate the hassle of lining up

Add some branding to your products

Throughout your classrooms, you’re most likely going through tons of hand sanitizer, disinfectant, and other safety supplies. Using our stickers and labels, you can easily brand these products to be personal to you. Whether you want to add your school logo, classroom, or other information, the possibilities are endless!

Add some branding to your products

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StickerYou blog posts are written and published by members of the  at our headquarters, located in the beautiful city of Toronto, Canada.