StickerYou Blog
Who is "Sticky?"
September 22, 2015
We're not sure where he came from...or even what he is. But we do know he's cheeky and adventurous. Hence his escape from StickerYou and exploration around the world. Show us where this furry tourist shows up next.
Sticky first showed up in the StickerYou office in early August. We thought it started as an errant sticker from a customer's order. A custom sticker order that was mis-cut or misprinted and so was discarded until someone else peeled him up off the sheet and stuck him in place on one of our sales staff's desk. The StickerYou crew hummed and hawed over his cute design and his little camera, and then went on with their day.
As I'm sure you can understand, random stickers pop up all the time around the StickerYou office so no one was overly concerned by the appearance of Sticky. However the next day, Sticky was gone from the desk, only to be rediscovered later in a new location within our kitchen. And so it started! Each day Sticky traveled to a new location around StickerYou headquarters and was found by a new person. We're not sure how he was getting about (or whom was moving him) but soon it became a bit of a competition to see whom would come across him next.
We found him stuck to the undersides of desks, hitching a ride on someone's back, snuggled up in the bathroom tissues, sunning himself in our front entrance, going for a swim in our sink, stuck to the wall clock and many other places. One of our sales staff came across Sticky in her salad at lunch. Another found Sticky stuck to the outside of his wallet- which had been in his pants pocket all day. One of our designers found Sticky stuck to the inside of the water cooler (we're not even sure how that's possible, but good thing vinyl stickers waterproof!).
Sticky wants to come visit YOU! Check out how to get your hands on a copy of Sticky right here!
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